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medretreat testimonials 
Read what our clients are saying about MedRetreat and their medical tourism experience.
T.G. - Cordova, AK -
I started this journey knowing that I wanted to seek cheaper health care out of the country, but had no idea how to make it happen. Through my online searches I came upon the Medretreat website, which impressed me. That initial good impression of the website was consistent with all of my dealings with Medretreat who truly took care of me.
Medretreat's system is logical, friendly, and intuitive. Answers to my questions were immediate, and my "homework" was doled out in a manner that kept me from ever becoming overwhelmed. Within one month, I was on my way to have an abdominal hysterectomy in a foreign country--I find that amazing! I was extremely happy with my doctor, the nurses, and the facility. Everything prior to and in Malaysia went by clockwork and all the cost estimates were honored. I ended up needing an additional test, so my final bill was only $200 more than what I was quoted. That has never been my experience in the U.S.! Thank you MedRetreat! 
J.T. - Issaquah, WA - MedRetreat delivered exactly what they sold. The reality of the experience exceeded the promise. I am very happy with the results of two operations and extensive dental work in Penang.
P.B. - Ontario, CANADA - All the amazing facts about MedRetreat are 100% true. Every last thing that I was told or that I read about them is all true...100%. Dr. Danny O is a genius cosmetic surgeon, who did everything to perfection. My U.S Program Manager, Diane Seaton, is the best of the best, without exaggeration. Medretreat arranged everything to perfection. I'm still in awe at how my whole trip went without a hitch. The dentist also was a genius and fixed my teeth perfectly.
Medretreat cares so much about their clients -- you can call them anytime, they will answer all your questions about anything. Everyone with Medretreat is kind and respectful...I can't say enough about them. I would go with Medretreat if I needed more cosmetic surgery in the future. My destination program manager was pretty much by my side the whole time I was there. She came with me to the hospital, as well as the dentist. she is someone that i could count on the whole time i was there. Medretreat has been consistently by my side from beginning to end. I felt complete confidence in them from the start and they never let me down, not even once.
S.E. - Portland, OR - The results of my procedures are excellent. It is hard to believe that it has been a full year. The experience was actually better than I had anticipated. The MedRetreat support was spectacular. I especially appreciated the change to bulk head seats and wheel chair support for the return trip. It is probably something that should automatically be arranged for anyone that is having any major procedure.

J.S. - Los Angeles, CA - All is well and my leg feels like new. What a relief to have this process done. I can work outside, exercise and most of all, play with my children again. The experience that I had was as good or even better than many vacations I have had over the years. Go think, I go for a medical treatment and the experience was like a vacation. You don't get that in the states. Plus, to top it all off, I did not go broke in the process.
I recommend people all the time to Medretreat. They can't believe that I had such a great time. As for the doctors, they were the best I have ever had. They were as a doctors should be, friendly, knowledgeable, interested, and really wanted to see you get better. Their bed side manner was second to none. The staff in the hospital felt like my family. And the living arrangements, WOW! 5 star hotel all the way. I only had one disappointment, and that was leaving. O yeah, did I tell you that I was there for a operation? You would have never known. Thank you very much for helping us see what was out there. If not for your guidance, this trip would have not happened.
C.S. - Seattle, WA - MedRetreat helped my dream come true. I am a weight loss success story and was having difficulty accepting my new body because I was left with excess skin drooping off of me everywhere. I happened to come across MedRetreat via an internet search and am so pleased that I found it. I was unable to fund the surgeries that I wanted to have done here in the states to remove all of the excess skin, as the cost was unbelievable. Going to Malaysia for all of my surgeries was 1/3rd the cost of what it would have been in the states. My experience was nothing short of amazing, I’m so thankful for MedRetreat. It’s a leap of faith, but one worth taking. I promise!!
B.M. - Palmer, AK - My experience with MedRetreat was fantastic. They were very professional, organized and honest throughout the entire experience. I felt my US program manager truly cared that I had the most positive experience possible. The destination country, hospital and doctor where very well researched, and a great experience. I went to Malaysia alone, but with the US Program Manager and the Destination Program Manager checking in with me constantly, I never felt alone- they even loaned me a cell phone! I can not say enough about MedRetreat, If you’re considering going broad for surgery, MedRetreat is the way to go!
L.M. - Carmel, CA - When my girlfriend mentioned in passing a year ago that we no longer looked as young as we feel, it started me thinking. I had looked into an eye lift several years back and the cost was too expensive to justify. And now I was facing a much needed repair on my sinuses that my insurance company labeled pre-existing. Then my girlfriend told me about MedRetreat. The cost was so reasonable that I added several procedures to the sinus operation and had everything done at once. My girlfriend and I labeled it the Girl’s Vacation and left our men at home.
We flew together, shared a huge room at the G Hotel (great place), opted to split a room in the hospital during recovery so we could mend together and help each other, and then toured the island of Penang together. It was the most incredible experience of my life. I can breath again, I look 35 again, and I had the first ever true vacation in my life with my most favored friend.
I didn’t know medical tourism existed and I am so glad my girlfriend introduced me to it. My program manager was the Best and the people in Penang were of the highest quality in customer service and satisfaction. God gave my doctor the surgical gift of being a true artist and he knows his craft. In the future, before I consider any surgery in the states, I will contact MedRetreat.
W.K. - Sacramento, CA - I cannot say enough great things about my ENTIRE experience with MedRetreat. From the beginning planning stages to the day that I returned, they were there constantly ensuring that everything went smoothly. Mine was a rehabilitative surgery, as opposed to elective, and I was quite nervous about going overseas to have it done. I was able to discuss the procedure with my doctor prior to going and was extremely comfortable. The procedure turned out better than anyone expected, including my doctor. I am so grateful to the entire staff at MedRetreat for the care, concern and diligence I received from them throughout the planning process and would recommend them to anyone. (Read Wayne's case study and watch his interview with Consumer Reports)

R.E. - Reno, NV - I have been interested in having a cosmetic surgery for years, but didn’t want my friends and family to know about it. MedRetreat gave me everything I wanted: anonymity, affordability and the opportunity to travel. On top of all that, I had also had peace of mind. Knowing that I had a US based firm that had checked out the facilities and surgeon--the surgeon I saw was US board certified--ahead of time gave me more confidence. I did a lot of online research and couldn’t find anything but positive feedback about Medretreat and the services provided. Today, I would have no problem recommending their services to my friends and family.

F.H. - Denver, CO - I loved every minute of working with MedRetreat. They made this process so simple for me that I was able to travel safely by myself thanks to the help of the Destination Program Manager. The Doctor was so professional and informative it put all my fears aside regarding my procedure and the attentiveness of the friendly hospital staff was very comforting. It was also wonderful to be able to recover in a great luxury hotel and go sightseeing with my DPM. I am so happy with my surgical procedure and MedRetreat"s expert facilitation. I will recommend MedRetreat to everyone I know of considering surgery. I will definitely be a repeat client (hopefully won't need to be). Thank you so much for everything. This is a wonderful business and I wish you all continued success.

M.S.PD - Wasilla, AK - I was very pleased with my MedRetreat experience. I needed to have my knee replaced by year’s end or I would be in a wheelchair – having no insurance I was at a loss. My family read a newspaper article and I had heard an interview on NPR on medical tourism. After doing research I opted for MedRetreat, and could not have been happier with my decision.

My medical travel liaison at MedRetreat made my experience wonderful. I found that MedRetreat is excellent at giving information and preparing you for the process of going overseas for medical care. All of my questions were answered - I was never made to feel stupid because I had lots of questions, and sometimes I asked the same questions over.

I went by myself to Penang, Malaysia for my surgery. I found the medical staff, hospital and doctor superb beyond words. Everyone spoke English and was extremely professional. MedRetreat took care of everything – the plane reservations, transportation, hotel accommodations, medical procedures, - everything. I simply had to go through the motions and follow my itinerary – and it was wonderful.
It’s been a month since my knee replacement and I am amazed at my progress. I am no longer on any pain pills – just 2 aspirin a day. I am able to walk and the quality of my life has improved. People say I look younger and taller, (having a new knee enables me to stand upright). I would recommend MedRetreat to anyone looking to get quality medical care at an affordable price. I would not hesitate to send my children, husband or friends through MedRetreat. (Article written by the Anchorage Daily News about this client)
M.P. & E.P - Modesto, CA - This is a very well run program. We would highly recommend that anyone curious about going overseas to have surgery, do yourselves a favor and check out MedRetreat.

We would never have been able to afford the procedures that we had done if we had stayed in the United States for surgery. The staff stays with you every step of the way. The doctor and his staff were excellent and our American liaisons living in Malaysia were very giving of their time, making sure that we were taken care of, and we made new friends as a bonus. We are well on our way to recovery after 5 weeks post procedures, and we look forward to the end results.

Thanks for everything MedRetreat...your company is everything that was advertised!

J.S. - Mountain Grove, MO - While overseas, I was treated like a queen. I was impressed. Compared to the US, I felt there was much more doctor-patient contact, and in the hospital, more nurses & staff per patient. I was visited by the Hospital Director at least every other day to be sure everything was OK, and the Director of Nurses visited me every day to be sure the nursing staff was taking care of me properly. The nursing staff was very attentive, and made sure I was as comfortable as possible. I was not treated like a foreigner, on the contrary, they were glad to have me and be of service. From a business standpoint, I was a customer (a very good customer), and they treat their customers well, they are in the business of medical care, and they know how to provide good medical care.

I am a very busy person, and MedRetreat made it possible for me to get away, have my hysterectomy, and properly recover before I was forced to get back to the daily responsibilities that go with running your own businesses. Yes, there was a lot of work for me to do when I got home (and always will be), but with my health issues aside, and without the weight of huge medical bills, I feel stronger, and uninhibited, ready to face the world with all it’s challenges. Thanks again, MedRetreat.
L.W. - Jasper, GA - This trip lived up to and exceeded my expectations. My surgeon was excellent. He was a fine gentleman, a great technician and explained everything thoroughly. Nursing care in the hospital was exceptional. The hospital was interested in my experience as well, and went to great lengths to get insight on how they could improve their services. MedRetreat gave me the best customer service I’ve received in many years. They were attentive to detail, supportive during my visit abroad and kept my family informed of my progress as well. American healthcare should be so efficient and patient oriented.

E.C. – Vero Beach, FL– I was told two years ago, I needed a hip replacement. Having no health insurance, I limped around in pain, not knowing what I was going to do. One evening I saw a segment on the news about medical tourism. I investigated on line, only to find MedRetreat. The same day I received a phone call from my program manager, explaining their services. Three months later, I was in Malaysia having a hip replacement. (Click here to listen to this client's podcast testimonial)
Fear of the unknown weighed heavily on my mind, until I arrived in Penang. Everyone I came into contact with, was extremely kind and caring. My mind was set at ease. The whole journey went just as scheduled and MedRetreat held my hand all the way through it. It was a great experience and I would do it again in a minute. The people of Penang are as beautiful as the country they live in. Thank you MedRetreat for helping me find an affordable solution to my pain.

D.W. - Denver, CO - My wife and I found the MedRetreat experience amazing from beginning to end. Every little detail from travel arrangements to communicating with the health professionals in Malaysia went off without a hitch. The skill of my surgeon, and the level of care and caring from everyone at the hospital was superb. The feeling you get from American health care of being rushed through on an assembly line was totally absent.
After my release from the hospital, our stay at the Eastern & Oriental hotel was like a dream. If you have to have major surgery, I honestly cannot think of a more perfect place to recover than Malaysia. I would recommend the experience to anyone without hesitation. 
J.L - Marin County, CA - From the very first contact with MedRetreat, I have been extremely impressed with the caring and professionalism of my program manager. He guided me every step of the way, making sure that everything was as going smoothly, and following up after the surgery. I always felt well cared for, and even after surgery he checked in with me periodically to make sure that everything was going OK. Talk about service after the sale!
As for Dr. Danny, he knows his stuff! I felt very confident in his abilities and at week or two, post op, I’m liking what I see in the mirror! I have no regrets about having ‘my eyes’ done. This is precisely the new look that I wanted and at an affordable price to boot! The clinic was fresh and clean, which is important to me, and his staff was great! Going to Malaysia was an illuminating and exciting adventure. If I knew then what I know now, I’d do it again! MedRetreat will be my future preference for any further cosmetic surgery that I might want. What an incredible organization and I just can’t say enough about this whole experience! Way to go, MedRetreat! 
W.S. - Yakima, WA - When I was told I needed a total hip replacement, I was devastated. I could never afford it so I thought I would be disabled at 55 years old. Then, one day in pain, I searched for a hip replacement on the internet and discovered medical tourism and luckily, Medretreat. After speaking to a program manager and reading several emails, I was hopeful.. The entire cost was actually affordable. Medretreat was flawless at providing and arranging every detail of my trip to Malaysia. The hospital, doctor, accommodations, and everything about Penang was way beyond my expectations. I'm back to work and pain free. Thank you Medretreat!
H.S. - Cupertino, CA - I think Med-Retreat is a Class A organization that is very professional and put the needs of the customer first. I felt I was well taken care of from the first time I spoke with the Program Manager,. until the time I got home and received his email welcome home email. All Itineraries from the airport pick up to consultation with the physician went as planned.

G.C - Camden ME - I heard about MedRetreat on NPR and, because I had been thinking about getting a face lift, checked out the company on the web. I was contacted by a wonderful and competent young man who answered all my questions and helped me begin the process. It is now six months later and I am just recently back from Malaysia after having a wonderful vacation and receiving a great "new look." The plastic surgeon has the highest credentials and performed a fine job with kindness and concern for my safety and comfort. MedRetreat made sure I had good accommodations, a good personal driver and even someone to look in on me following surgery. She even became my traveling companion as I searched the wonders of Penang.
Following my three day stay in the hospital, I continued my recuperation at a good hotel for four nights and then moved again to a resort hotel right on the beach for five days before flying back home. While one might think because the cost of living is so much lower than in the U.S., that the standards are too, but this is not so at all. The hotels were fine and equivalent to what you would find at a nice hotel here, but at a fraction of the cost. The people of Malaysia are the friendliest people I have ever met and I felt as safe there as I ever have anywhere. For me, a real bonus was that so many speak English! That makes everything so easy! Malaysia is a long way to go, but I don't have any regrets about going there for my surgery. I got to see a country I have never seen before, meet some wonderful people and have a great face lift that I could not have afforded here in the U.S.
A.C.O. - San Francisco, CA - Now that my experience with MedRetreat is over, I look back at it with nothing but fond memories and extreme satisfaction. Throughout the entire health tourism process, the staff both here and overseas was competent, friendly, available, knowledgeable, and helpful. I completely back MedRetreat as a company, and would recommend their services to friends and loved ones.
L.B. - Gunnison, CO - After getting outrageous estimates on how much it would cost to repair my broken foot from several doctors in the US..I felt I had no other option than to go overseas for my treatment since I don’t have any insurance. As a single female, I had a few concerns about traveling to Malaysia by myself but MedRetreat was very helpful and reassuring and so was the hospital staff in Penang. They really bent over backwards to make sure that everything proceeded smoothly and painlessly. I had no trouble communicating with my doctor or nurses and was very pleased with the overall experience. I was able to have this crucial surgery which would affect my career and therefore the rest of my life, in a safe and friendly manner at less than half the price of getting it done in the states. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this company to anyone or to use them again in the future. 

S.W. - Kalamazoo, MI - Wow! What a transformation and for about the price of ONE of the procedures. I had a make over that has changed my life. I look and feel like I am 20 years younger. Family and friends can barely recognize me and that is a good thing as I had a lot of redundant skin after a massive weight loss. I love how I look! My experience while I was in Malaysia was a good one—I also learned how culturally isolated I was here in the USA and hope to go back as a tourist and connect again with the people I met there and see the sights. 
S.L. – Normandy Park, WA– Our "medical retreat" to Malaysia was a life changing experience. My husband and I no longer think that the only outstanding medical care is found in the USA. We also were shocked at the costs being nearly 10% of the procedures here. We found everyone at the Adventist Hospital in Penang, from the doctors and nurses, to the cafeteria and taxi staff, to be caring, thoughtful, generous and most competent. We fell madly in love with the Malaysian people.

We were very impressed with the Medretreat team and for their complete focus on the two of us before, during and after our retreat. They made the experience unbelievably smooth and glitch free. We would not hesitate to set up another medical retreat with this company. We are most grateful.

N.P. – Klamath Falls, OR – I have had problems ever since my period started, and was quickly put on birth control to control the endometriosis and the ovarian cysts doctor thought I had. However that only helped for a few years before my problems overcame that and my body began to rebel. Doctors in the U.S. wanted me to wait until I was 30 and had 2 kids before they would take out my uterus, but I had other joint conditions that prohibited me from having kids naturally and so I would never make that benchmark, never mind that I didn’t want to wait 10 years with my quality of life declining every day. With my uterus causing deterioration of my other conditions and my quality of life, and the doctors in the U.S. was only switching me from birth control to birth control method until I bled through each one, I decided that the time had come to look elsewhere. (Click here to listen to an audio testimonial from this client's mother)
MedRetreat quickly listened and found me a doctor that also listened and after reading my medical history and family history, quickly decided the best course of action was a hysterectomy. Now, writing this a mere week and four days after the procedure was done, and already back home, my pain is lessened, no more cramping and bleeding, and my other conditions I am able to handle once again! I have quality of life, and it happened a month and a half after finding MedRetreat, faster than I had ever hoped possible! They listened and found a way to give me back my life, and my fiancé is so happy to have me almost pain free too! Thank you a million times over.

J.M. - Owasso, OK - I am so grateful to Med Retreat for all the service and information they provided for me. I would never have been able to have all of the procedures done in the U.S because of the cost. I feel that the accommodations and location were a perfect place to recuperate. My husband and daughter were able to have a wonderful trip and had the ability to do a lot of sightseeing due to the friendliness and helpfulness of the Malaysian people.

After meeting with my surgeon, I had complete confidence in his ability to perform all of my procedures. His receptionist and nurse were wonderful in making me feel comfortable and well informed. Now being back in the U.S. recovering I will recommend the services of Med Retreat to many of my friends who are interested in having surgeries done.
B.B. – Chandler, AZ – Of course, I was skeptical of medical tourism. But I can honestly say I had a wonderful experience. My Medretreat Program Manager was very knowledgeable, helpful and friendly. He was able to answer any of my questions and concerns and made all the arrangements for me. The hospital staff, my doctor and everyone I came in contact with were very friendly and helpful. I traveled alone and was a little nervous about not only traveling to a foreign country alone, but facing surgery alone. I had a face/neck lift, eye lift and upper arm lift. I could not be happier with the results, and felt well enough only 5 days after my surgeries to start going on tours and shopping. I had a great vacation as well. I would highly recommend Medretreat to everyone.
R.D. – Los Angeles, CA – I must admit, I was a bit skeptical about traveling to a foreign country to receive my hip replacement. But, Medretreat helped me feel very comfortable in making my decision to move forward so I could finally receive my operation at a cost that I could afford. I am now living a better quality of life as a result. Medretreat employees are real pros!
K.H. – Houston, TX – Medretreat’s staff helped to make my experience very positive and pleasant. It’s hard to believe they can offer such great service at such low prices. My entire trip, including procedure, travel and accommodations costs only $8,500.00 in Thailand compared to $32,000.00 for the procedure alone here in America. And, I was able to recuperate in peace and quite in a beautiful paradise setting for about 4 weeks. I came back home feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world again.

T.W. – East Hanover, NJ – I am so happy that I found you and used your services for my knee replacement. I tried contacting hospitals overseas but it was too inconvenient to communicate back and forth with the different time zones. The way that you responded so quickly to all my inquires really impressed me and made me feel so much more comfortable.
R.L. – Marco Island, FL – Being a 64-year old woman, going through the physical changes of life, I found the concept of medical tourism/cosmetic surgery abroad to be a very viable alternative to living with my old, wrinkled face. I had looked into the possibility of having a face lift here in the United States, but, simply could not afford it. So, I traveled to Malaysia to receive a full face and neck lift, liposuction in 3 areas of my mid-section and a couple of moles removed for less than ½ of what just the face lift would have cost me in the U.S. And, I got a vacation out of it too! My friends tell me I look 20 years younger. As I’m waiting for my 40-year old prince charming to find me, I’d like to thank you MedRetreat for all the hard work you put into helping me plan my medical retreat. I will recommend you for many years to come.
C.K. – Richmond, CA - From the day that I first contacted you about my medical problem, you put my fears to rest about traveling overseas and I greatly appreciate that. I never realized medical care was so far advanced outside the U.S. The hospital that I stayed in was much more modern and advanced than any hospitals that I have seen in the US. I was also happily surprised that everyone that I encountered in the hospital spoke English. I can assure you that my wife and I will be repeat customers.
A.F. – Fairfax, VA – Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! What a great service! You guys are the best. Being uninsured, and suffering from a bad knee, I was living in pain for many years. Now, I’m almost pain free. My life is so much better because of you. Thank you for the unbelievable value you’ve provided to me. I’m forever thankful.
S.T. – Schaumburg, IL – After experiencing your affiliate hospital in Malaysia. I don’t think I ever want to go to an American hospital again. Not only was it a world-class medical facility, but, the people were so friendly and attentive. I felt like I had my own nurse...24 hours a day. When you told me the nurse to patient ration was 1-1, I didn’t believe you. Well, you’ve proven this to be true. Many thanks to all the great people at Medretreat for their assistance in making my medical tour a success.
M.M. – Las Vegas, NV – As you know, I had a very serious private matter. It’s not that I couldn’t have the operation done in the U.S., but the recuperation period would have been very embarrassing for me to tolerate at home. So, that’s why I went outside of the U.S. for my procedure. I didn’t mind paying for it out of my own pocket because I feel I received a great value and also got to experience another part of the world. I had a great time, and it was very private. Nobody knew me or even cared that I had just undergone my operation. You have made my life so much better. Thank you for your kindness, understanding and your privacy policy.
D.S. – Gallatin, TN – You guys are the best! You were so thorough in every step of the process. I must admit, I did contact some of your competitors, but no one compared. Your 25-step process handled every issue imaginable. I’ll be sure to tell my family and friends to use you if they ever have a need.     P.S. – The recuperation period was awesome! I’d go back just for the beauty and splendor of it all.
J.O. - Cedar Rapids, IA – Even with the prices so much lower in Asia, I still couldn’t afford my operation. When you told me about the 12-month free financing, it sounded like a gift from above. My prayers were answered. I couldn’t have taken care of myself without you. Medretreat is my guardian angel. Thank you for giving me the chance to live a better life.
L.S. – New York, NY – Thank you for suggesting that I do not go to a foreign country alone, without the help of your Destination Program Manager. I can’t imagine how I would have done it alone. They were so helpful in every aspect of my trip. From airport, hotel and hospital transfers, to running to the local store for a bottle of aspirin. Whatever I asked, they happily did. Every recommendation you made was well worth the advice. I had a great time experiencing a new culture too!
B.G. – Lexington, KY – I almost decided to use someone who claimed they were a medical tourism company for my trip. I didn’t know any better at the time, but then I found MedRetreat. I was so impressed by your knowledge and professionalism. Thank goodness I decided to use your services. I’ve heard some horror stories about other medical tourism providers that should prove to create some bad publicity for your industry (I hope it doesn’t affect you.) I guess there’s good and bad in everything these days. If people could only find you first, I’m sure you would wrap up all the business. My entire trip was very nicely done!
J.P. – Titusville, FL – Thank you Medretreat Team!!!  You have made a true believer out of me. I always thought that I was research and internet savvy, but the information that you provided me went way beyond anything that I found. You guys are amazing! Thank you for all that you have done.
S.M. – Indianapolis – IN - When I first started looking into “medical tourism,” all my family and friends thought that I was crazy. Now after being back for a few months, everyone is asking me how he or she can begin the process. You can be assured that I will be telling them to contact Medretreat. My medical procedure in Malaysia was one the most incredible experiences in my life. Thank you!
W.L. - Portland, OR - Traveling abroad for medical treatment is not an easy decision to make, but your program manager took all the guesswork out. I loved how you provided “The Next Step” in every email that you sent to me. I highly recommend Medretreat to anyone considering medical treatment outside the US. The information that you provided about the hospitals and doctors enabled me to make a truly informed decision. 
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