Straddling the southern boarder of the United States, Mexico, the 12th largest economy in the world is widely known as a popular tourism destination for its tropical beaches, high volcanic plateaus, and ancient ruins of advanced civilizations from the past.
In regards to medical tourism, Mexico has been making great strides in the past few years through the economic benefits of trade with the North America. This is good news for the citizens of North America that are seeking destinations for lower cost medical procedures. The obvious benefits are enormous, which include very close proximity, cultural familiarity, and fluency in English in the larger cities.
MedRetreat offers service to the following cities in Mexico

Hotel Accommodations
Traveler Support
Related Links
Aerial View of Mexico
Mexico Wikipedia
Mexico Travel Information
Mexico Info
Mexico National Geographic
Mexico Travel Guide
Etiquette & Customs in Mexico
Tipping in Mexico
Mexican Currency
U.S. Dept. of State/Mexico
Traveler Support
Country Information
The country of Mexico most often conjures images of “our neighbor south of the boarder,” ancient Meso-American ruins, colonial Spanish towns, and popular beach resorts. However, it may not be as widely known that it has been among the fastest growing economies in the world since the late 1990’s. This economic success has dramatically increased the quality of health care throughout the country that has led to the growing popularity of medical tourism. [top]
Although Spanish is the national language, English is widely spoken in both tourist and business environments throughout Mexico. [top]
Roman Catholic 89%, Protestant 6%, and others 5%. [top]
Although Mexico lies within the Tropic of Cancer, it is a large country and experiences a wide range of temperatures depending upon on your location. For the most part you can expect warm to hot temperatures during the day and then much cooler weather in the evenings. June to September is the raining season, which means short and heavy rain throughout the day. [top]
Curent Weather Conditions
http://www.weather.com/outlook/travel/businesstraveler/local/MXNL0068 [top]
Light clothes are suggested, though fine dining restaurants will expect appropriate attire. Be sure to bring along at least one sweater of pullover for potentially cool evenings. [top]
Mobile Phones
A Subscriber Identity Module Card (SIM Card) is now available for Mexican and foreign customers who are traveling around for work. The SIM Card must be used in conjunction with a Digital GSM mobile phone within the 900-MHz range or a Digital PCN mobile phone within the 1800-MHz range. [top]
Getting Online & Checking E-mail
All of Mexico's leading hotels offer facsimile (fax) and e-mail services. Numerous private businesses offer such facilities, most often in conjunction with translation services. Mexico has been expanding its information service for residents and tourists alike through the Internet system. Services are now available at Mexico's leading hotels and at the many "cyber cafés" that are cropping up in all major tourist destinations. [top]
Emergency Telephone Numbers - Monterrey
Tourist Assistance – Toll Free from anywhere in Mexico: (800)903-9200
Police : 060
Ambulance: 8375-1212 (Red Cross)
Private Ambulance: 8317-1211 (English Spoken)
Fire : 8342-0053
Consumer Affairs : 8347-5308
ABC Pharmacy : 8115-1141 (24 Hrs)
American Consulate in Monterrey : 8345 -2121
National Directory Inquiry : 103
U.S. Embassy in Mexico City : (01-55) 5080-2000
For a comprehensive listing of Mexican emergency contact information, visit : http://www.allaboutmonterrey.com/miscinfo.htm [top]